For all you van geeks out there, Mark does a detailed walk through of how our family of four packs up and uses our Westfalia Vanagon for road trips and weekend adventures. Have a look inside a Vanagon campervan and our little slice of van life in our 1984 hippie van.
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The Boomershines
A Tour of Oscar, our 1984 Westfalia Vanagon
family blogthe boomershinesmark boomershineartistentrepreneursvan lifevanlifewestfaliavanagonvolkswagonvan tourroad tripcampingcamping in a vanoscar the vanwestfalia camper vanwestfalia van lifewestfalia restorationwestfalia restorationwestfalia interior restorationvw busvanagon westfaliavanagon restorationvanagon westfalia restorationvanagon makeoverwestfalia van tourvanagon westfalia tourwestfalia camper tour