UC Berkeley has redesigned and rebuilt its curriculum and undergraduate labs to include green chemistry.
UC Berkeley Green Chemistry Success Story
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Don't believe the hype...understand the science.
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Green chemistry is about designing products that reduce the amount of toxic chemicals used to make them. It's all about protecting people and the environment.
SOT from Marty Mulvihill:
We want to be increasing the awareness of green chemistry at UC Berkeley.
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DTSC believes teaching the next generation of scientists about green chemistry is vital.
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UC Berkeley is home to one of the country's most influential chemistry departments. It's also one of several colleges incorporating green chemistry into their curriculum.
SOT from Marty Mulvihill:
We were able to do this at UC Berkeley because a lot of things came together. We had a challenge and our challenge was with a limited amount of funding and a pretty narrow timeline we needed to make cheaper, safer, better labs.
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Martin Mulvihill Ph.D. is a green chemistry guru!
He's been developing a new green chemistry curriculum and new lab exercises for UC Berkeley.
SOT from Marty Mulvihill:
This is the vision. Green chemistry is new chemistry. These are opportunities to teach in a new way and to really discuss the big environmental and social issues that are facing our students. It's also a student driven vision.
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Berkeley's program means that more than two thousand incoming students could be learning about green chemistry.
SOT from Marty Mulvihill:
I want my students to be able to understand what are hazards...how do we identify them. I want them to understand the life cycle of chemicals...where do they come from...where do they end up. I want them to be able to design safer more efficient reactions. In order to do that, I wanted them to be able to use metrics...you need to be able to measure it in order to decide if it's safer.
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U.C. Berkeley is redesigning and rebuilding curriculum and undergraduate labs to include green chemistry.
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It's a huge commitment, but the university believes it's an essential step to engage and prepare scientists for the next generation.
SOT from Martin Mulvihill:
What we find is this gives them a very valuable learning context. So right from the very beginning we had pre-lab exercise that had them look at these three chemicals which you probably will recognize and have heard about...Dioxine, Bisphenol A, and lead. And compare material data sheets, chem spider, which is an aggregator of chemical data, and Wikipedia as resources for determining how safe...and what sort of precautions you should take in this setting. This is what I love. If you empower students with good a question in an interesting area they come up with the really important questions and start identifying some of the fundamentals that they need to be asking all the time. That's what we're looking for here...changing how graduate students are going to approach their research projects and their teaching because that's the next generation of design.
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DTSC provided seed funding for the development of UC Berkeley's Green Chemistry curriculum and hopes to reach thousands of young scientists.
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DTSC - We see a greener future
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