How to : 4 Treatments for Columnaris Fish Bacterial Infection
What Is Columnaris?
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Columnaris is a common bacterial infection in aquarium fish, particularly livebearing fish and catfish. Its name is derived from columnar shaped bacteria, which are present in virtually all aquarium environments—though it may also be referred to as cotton wool disease, saddleback disease, guppy disease, or cotton mouth disease.
Symptoms of Columnaris in Fish
Lesions in chronic cases progress slowly, taking many days before culminating in fish death. In acute cases the lesions spread quickly, often wiping out entire populations of fish within hours. High water temperature accelerates the progression of the disease; however, lowering the water temp will not affect the outcome of the disease.
Most columnaris infections are external and present first as white or grayish white spots on the head and around the fins or gills. The lesions may first be seen only as a paler area that lacks the normal shiny appearance of the rest of the fish. As the lesion progresses it may become yellowish or brownish in color and the area around it may be tinged red.
Lesions on the back often extend down the sides, giving the appearance of a saddle, leading to the name saddle-back that is often used to describe this symptom. On the mouth, the lesions may look moldy or cottony, and the mouth will eventually become eaten away. The fins will erode and have a frayed appearance as the infection progresses. The gills are affected, too: As the bacteria invade them the filaments will disintegrate, resulting in the onset of rapid breathing or gasping in the fish due to lack of oxygen. Less commonly, the infection will take an internal course which often displays no external symptoms. In these cases, only a necropsy and cultures will point to the true cause of death.
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How to : 4 Treatments for Columnaris Fish Bacterial Infection
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