If Jagan touches it, it will cost crores. TDP X posted a post about Jagan Reddy, who took only one rupee as salary. It revealed key things in it. For the construction of a helipad that did not cost 20 lakhs, a total of Rs. 8.60 crores was allocated. It wrote about the range in which the jalsas were held. It wrote that no dictator in the world would have done this. It is not the people's money.. No one asks..
#JaganMohanReddy #ChandrababuNaidu #PawanKalyan #YsSharmila #YSRCP #TDP #JanaSena #APNews #APUpdates #PoliticalNews
TDP posted about Jagan Reddy #APPolitics
chandrababu naiduys jagan vs chandrababu naidujagan vs chandrababuys jagancm chandrababu naiduchandrababujagan vs chandrababu naiduys jagan vs chandrababuys jagan mohan reddy vs chandrababu naiducm chandrababu naidu vs ys jagan mohan reddy - tv9chandrababu vs ys jaganchandrababu naidu vs jagancm chandrababu naidu slams ys jaganchandrababu naidu slams ap cm ys jaganchandrababu naidu slams on cm ys jaganjagan mohan reddycm chandrababu