Unrest has been a piece of history starting from the dawn of mankind. It is a strong method for establishing change and construct a superior society. From the French Upheaval to the defeat of the Soviet Association, we have seen unrests that have influenced the world. In this blog entry, we will investigate the main ten best upheavals in history and how they formed the world we live in today.
#revolution #unitedstate #france #iran #Russia#cuba#nicaragua #elsalvador #china #bolivia #ethiopia
Ten of history's most successful revolutions
RevolutionRussiaAmericanUnited StatesIranBoliviaEl Salvadorthe SovietsovietEthiopiaCubaFranceIranrevolutionstand up revolutionstand-up revolutionstand-up revolution 2022antena 1 stand-up revolutionstand-up revolution sezonul 2dan badea stand-up revolutionrevolution 2022diplo revolutionrevolution dosezrevolution part 2groupe revolution 2022revolution nouveau clipvio stand-up revolutiongroupe revolution nouveau cliprevolution mv