Hello everyone, take a look at the special teaser that we prepared for you. Here are the athletes from USA Wolves Team, who will compete at the Global Cup, in Arlington, Texas on 9 and 10 of February . Five countries compete for the win on American soil: Australia, Brazil, Canada, the United States and Mexico. Stay connected for our special coverage.
USA Wolves - Global Cup
dicasdamabeljornalistamarisa abelPbrPbr 2019professional bull ridersrodeiorodeobullsbull ridersridesbe cowboyArlingtonTexasunleash the beastmontaria em tourosKeyshawn WhitehorseStetson LawrenceRyan DirteaterCody JesusCannon CravensColten JesseJustin GrangerDakota Louisthe wolf packnative americanpridenativeamerican cowboy