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So you've heard about Global Climate Change, and how it's causing our sea level to rise, but do you know the real reasons why? Find out how the properties of water make it susceptible to changes in temperature, and how this can change the globe.
Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
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Music by Mitchell Moffit
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Art by Gregory and Mitchell
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Some Sources --
Sea Level Changes:
1) [ Ссылка ]
2) [ Ссылка ]
3) [ Ссылка ]
The Truth About Rising Sea Levels
AsapScienceAsapSCIENCEGlobalWarmingClimateChangeGlobal WarmingEnvironmentRisingSeaLevelLevelsThermalExpansionIce'IceCap'GlacierGlaciersTemperatureGreenlandAntarcticaVolumeBoilingThermostatParticleParticlesWaterFluidHeatEarthGlobeOceanBiggerExpandEnvironmental ChangeReasonwhyhowanimatewhiteboardwhiteboarddrawfunnystopmotionstopanimationpaperhandscartoonstickmenmanfastchoppyminutephysicsRSAanimate