Insect bite can be mainly because of a mosquito, house flies, honey bee and ant, in any insect bite there will be a inflamed area with slight pain, redness and itchiness in the area where the insect has bitten. These insect bite doesn't need any treatment, which eventually subsides by itself because it is self limiting condition. But in few cases medical attention is required where there is a super-added infection and inflammation of the bitten area. Lachesis and arnica is also very useful.
Treating Insect Bites the Homeopathic way - Dr. Ramesh Babu N
HomeopathyInfectious DiseasesInsect BiteLachesisArnicaAlternative Medicinesinsect bitesmosquito bitesinsecttreating mosquito bitesinsect bitebug biteshome remedies for insect bitesinsectsinsect bites treatmentbitesinsect bites and stingshomeopathyhome remedy for insect bitesinsect bites and stings (disease or medical condition)mosquito bites treatmenthow to treat mosquito bitestreat insect bites naturallytreat insect bites