As part of Refugee Week, and its theme 'Our Home', we are joining with ‘Nafsiyat’ to share the stories of people who have sought safety in the UK.
Nasfiyat is an intercultural therapy centre committed to providing effective and accessible psychotherapy and counselling services in London.
The stories shared this week explore the reasons people have to leave their home in the first place, and the challenges of building a new one in safety.
We thank the contributors for bravely sharing their stories.
Refugee Week 2024 - Aatifa's Story - Our Home
care4calaisrefugeesmigrantsasylum seekerspeople seeking asylumrefugee newsUKFranceCalaischarityvolunteersrwanda billrwanda policyaidhumanitariansanctuary seekerspeople seeking sanctuarylegal accessdistributioncare4calais volunteeringvolunteer charityafghan refugeesSyrian refugeesrefugees in ukchannel crossingsboatsRwanda policyUK governmentenglanddonatedonationsdemonstrationsprotestdetentionrefugee weekour home2024