In the previous video Jinx said some stuff about element in Iceborne. Jinx is dumb. Elemental Attack in MHW Iceborne works basically exactly the same as it does in current Monster Hunter World except we have a 6th level and they removed the caps.
Jinx tried way too hard to overcomplicate it when looking at it in our last video, sorry about that. After re examining it, Jinx realized it's pretty clear exactly how it works lol.
We don't normally cover MHW Iceborne News but all of this new info on Iceborne Skills is very juicy.
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Jinx is dumb. How Elemental ACTUALLY WORKS in MHW Iceborne
MHWMonster Hunter WorldMonster HunterMonsterHunterMonster hunter: Worldjinjinxmhw iceborneiceborneiceborne newsmonster hunter worldmonster huntermonster hunter world icebornemonster hunter world newsmonster hunter icebornemhwmonster hunter newsmonster hunter world iceborne newsmonster hunter world new updateelementalelemental attackelemental attack mhwiceborne elementmhw elementmhw elemental icebornemhw elemental damage explained