The Budhanilkantha Dharmashala, built under Indian assistance, has been handed over to Nepali authorities in a ceremony, in an effort to improve relations between the two countries. The building has been completed two and a half years after the laying of the foundation stone on March 11, 2021.A special ceremony held at the premises of the temple was attended by Nepal's Vice-President Ram Sahaya Prasad Yadav, Deputy Chief of the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu, Prasanna Shrivastava, Mathadhish of the Temple, and Nepali lawmakers. The reconstruction of the Dharmashala at Budhanilkantha is the third of 28 cultural heritage conservation and restoration projects being undertaken, with a reconstruction cost of NRs 5800 million committed by the Government of India for the cultural heritage sector. All 28 sites were identified by the Government of Nepal, and both India and Nepal signed a MoU in this regard in August 2017. The Central Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) of the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) was the implementing agency. The Dharmashala at Budhanilkantha is expected to facilitate the visit of pilgrims and tourists to this sacred temple. India has worked with Nepal for the restoration of cultural heritage projects in the past too. Earlier in November 2019, the Mathadhish building for Budhanilkantha temple was built under India's development cooperation scheme at a total cost of Nepalese Rupee 22 million.
#BudhanilkanthaDharmashala #nepal #kathmandu
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