Best bottle for drinking water, our Water Bottle can change Ph and TDS Value of water, Which is the right pot to store drinking water, पीने का पानी स्टोर करने के लिए सही बर्तन कौन सा है | Best utensils to Store Drinking Water. Right way to store Drinking water. Drinking-Water Ph Value. Drinking-Water TDS Value.
In this video, we have tested the TDS and ph value of water and try to find out the right pot to store drinking water. And we have described in this video what is alkaline water and what is the benefit of drinking it.
इस वीडियो में, हमने पानी के टीडीएस और पीएच मान का परीक्षण और विश्लेषण किया है और पीने के पानी को स्टोर करने के लिए सही बर्तन का पता लगाने की कोशिश की है।
और हमने इस वीडियो में बताया है कि क्षारीय पानी क्या है और इसे पीने से क्या लाभ है।
Question: What is alkaline water?
Answer: More than 7 PH of the water is considered alkaline water.
Question: What is acidic water?
Answer: less than 7 Ph Standard water is considered acidic water
Question: Full form of PH
Answer: Power of hydrogen.
Question: what is the right vessel to store drinking water.
Answer: Copper vessel.
Hello Friends,
I am Priya Singh From "Video Tester" Team. Here We test and analysis the Items used in daily life and bring the best Items to the people. Our motive is that we bring good things and Items to the front of the people so that people do not have trouble in choosing the item.
मैं प्रिया सिंह हूं, यहां हम दैनिक जीवन में उपयोग की जाने वाली वस्तुओं का परीक्षण और विश्लेषण करते हैं और लोगों के लिए सबसे अच्छी वस्तुएं लाते हैं। हमारा मकसद है कि हम अच्छी चीजों और वस्तुओं को लोगों के सामने लाएं ताकि लोगों को वस्तुओं को चयन करने में परेशानी न हो ।
#Bestbottlefordrinkingwater #DrinkingWaterPhValue #DrinkingWaterTDSvalue
Priya Singh
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Hello there,
I am "Priya Singh" from the "Video Tester" team.
We are Experts in Product Reviews, Products Analysis, Product Compare, Product Demo Videos, Technical Videos, And Sometimes we create Comedy and Funny Videos.
Here we test and analysis the products that we use in daily life, and try to find out the Best Products. And we also make Funny and Comedy Video to entertain people.
"Our motive is that we bring good things and Items to the front of the people"
Video Tester Team.
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