TRESE is a new animated show produced and streaming on Netflix. Trese is based on the Filipino comics with the same name, which was released back in 2005. It follows the main protagonist Alexandra Trese, a spiritual warrior who protects the streets of Manila, Philippines battling demons, evil spirits and other supernatural phenomena. In this short 6 episode series, the show integrates old Filipino folklore and modern horror tropes helping to create an interesting blend of action and storytelling.
As Filipino's ourselves, we were proud to see Filipino media being distributed on a huge platform like Netflix helping to shed light on Filipino culture outside of food, comedy and music. Trese is a step in the right direction for Filipino media and we hope you can check it out for yourselves!
#Trese #FilipinoCulture #TreseReview #TreseAnime #Netflix #TreseAnimeReview
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