今日我會和大家講一下脊椎神經孔狹窄症. 脊椎神經孔在哪裏呢?其實在椎骨與椎骨中間, 會見到這些神經根在中樞神經線的分岔處去到我們左邊和右邊, 例如這些神經線在頸椎便會到手部, 在腰椎便會到腳部. 那麼這個脊椎孔會因為受到長期累月的退化或者勞損會令致韌帶退化便會增生出來 , 容易夾到神經線的. 我們看到這個模型會看到這個骨如果退化的時候其實椎間盤已經磨損磨蝕了亦會有椎間盤突出就會在這個脊椎孔旁邊壓住了神經線. 這個神經線會發炎及腫脹所以會引起痺痛 麻痺 痛症或者是無力的情況出現. 經常很多病人帶著磁力共振的報告給我看便會問究竟在報告上講脊椎孔神經狹窄症是什麼意思......跟脊椎狹窄又有什麼分別呢?立即去片....
Today I want to share about Foraminal stenosis.Where is the intervertebral foramen?You can see these nerves we call nerve root. The nerve root from spine exist to left and right side in the foramen. The nerves root of cervical spine to hands,in lumbar region to feet. The foraminal opening will degenerate and worn outdue to the ligament degenerate and bone spur pinching the nerve. Let’s look at this model, we can see this bone when it deteriorate , when the disc is worn, it will be a herniated disc, it will be next to the foraminal opening where the nerve is compressed. This would cause the nerve to inflame andcausing patients to feel numbness or no strength.
Many patients will bring their MRI report and ask me what is foraminal stenosis? What is the difference from spinal stenosis?
#脊椎退化腰腿痛 #脊椎管道狹窄症 #腰椎狹窄症 #腰椎管道狹窄症 #Foraminalstenosis #COX減壓治療法 #spinalstenosis #脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #腳部麻痺 #腰椎椎間盤突出壓迫中樞神經線 #Cordedema #Spinalcordedema #Spinalcordinjury #腳麻痺 #腳沒力 #中樞神經線 #脊髓 #腰椎 #腰椎孔狹窄症 #腰椎孔狹窄症運動 #Foraminal Stenosis Exercises
Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.co
香港中環干諾道中13-14號歐陸貿易中心18-19樓 (港鐵中環站A出口中環環球大廈旁)
歡迎查詢及預約:+852 2804 6813
18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station)
Enquiries and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813
#Body Performance - Pilates Trainer Olivia
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