For those who cannot budget the time or money for face to face coaching with Michele We are happy to announce video coaching is now available click the link below for more info:
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For those that cannot afford face to face coaching with Michele Video coaching is now available
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What is Shadow Work? In this video I talk about what shadow work is, how valuable it is to do shadow work when healing from toxic parents, and/or toxic relationships.
For those interested in coaching and receiving assistance on their healing journey: As a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach, Trauma Recovery Coach and Energy Practitioner - it would be an honor to be invited on your healing journey! We all have to travel that road, but we don't have to do it alone!!
Have you ever heard of shadow work? It sounds dark, it sounds mysterious. But the truth is that shadow work is helping us to integrate what we know of ourselves in our conscious mind together with what is hidden from us in our sub conscious mind. But before we get there I wanna talk about how our shadow develops. This is a term by Carl Jung who developed this term. When he was trying to answer the question "Why do good people sometime do bad things?" and he came up with the fact that we all have a shadow self, we all have parts of ourselves that are out of our conscious awareness. We begin having a shadow self at a very young age. We're born as children, we're born whole, complete, divine individuals. When we're born and when we're very young there are no judgments attached to any of our feelings we just feel, we just are, we're just being. But somewhere along the line things that we do become rejected by our primary care givers. This happens in any family dynamics whether you have toxic parents or not. Where you live in society also has a play in what is "acceptable behavior" and what is not.
What is Shadow Work? Come Meet My Shadow Self!
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