Bob St-Laurent performing,
at the Bonham Drum Show 2017,
Theatre Le Plaza, Montreal,
november 2017,
Bob St-Laurent - Drums and Vocals...
Rej Lachance - Guitar...
Dominic Romanelli - Bass...
Ian Benhamou - Keyboards & Rythm guitar...
Dan Vezina Productions...
Pierre E Roy - Lighting designer - operator...
Capture and editing - Hush Angel Videos,
#bobstlaurent #bonhamdrumshow #bonzobash #theatreplaza
Bonham Drum Show 2017 - Bob St-Laurent
Bonham Drum Show 2017 - Bob St-LaurentBonham Drum Show 2017Bonham Drum ShowTheatre Le PlazaBob St-LaurentRej LachanceDominic RomanelliIan BenhamouDan Vezina ProductionsPierre E RoyHush Angel VideosHush Angelbonzo bashbdsproductions dan vézinaludwig drumspaiste cymbalsremo drumheadstimpano percussionle plazajohn bonhambonzobobst-laurenttheatre plaza