The building was built in 1908-1910 in the French Renaissance style. It was designed by the Polish architect Józef Płoszko.
It began life as the very first cinema in Baku (the “Phenomenon Cinema”), which showed silent movies. It was renowned for having an innovative air ventilation system that changed the air every 15 minutes. It was also one of the first architectural monuments on the newly constructed Baku Boulevard. Its construction encouraged the city administration to further beautify the promenade. Later the building was completed by the monuments of 4 ancient mythological figures: Mercury, Bacchus, Poseidon and Aphrodite. The statues were removed during the partial reconstruction of the building in the Soviet era. Currently it houses the State Puppet Theatre of Azerbaijan.
The building's architect, a talented Pole Józef Płoszko, worked in Baku for over 30 years until 1925, when he left for Warsaw in Poland. Józef Płoszko was also the chief architect of Baku in 1907-1910.
The movie was made as part of the project "Polish Heritage in Azerbaijan on drone videos".
Originator and project coordinator: Bartosz Musialowicz, First Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Baku.
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Baku, 2021.
Puppet Theatre in Baku
BakuБакуBakıАзербайджанAzerbejdżanAzerbaijanPolandPolskaПольшаarchitekturaarchitectureархитектураMemarlıqarxitekturaисторияhistoriahistorydziedzictwoheritageнаследствоПольские архитекторыPolish architectstarixirsPolşa memarlarıpolscy architekciЮзеф ПлошкоJózef PłoszkoJozef PloszkoTeatr KukiełkowyPuppet TheatreKukla Teatrıpolskie dziedzictwo w AzerbejdżaniePolacy w AzerbejdżanieBartosz MusialowiczBartosz Musiałowicz