Many converts or reverts to Islam from Christianity have never heard of the Satanic Verses. These videos are for them. Was the prophet Mohamed possessed by Shaitaan Satan the Devil Dajjil Shaytan? The topic is talked about with evidence. This would make him a false prophet.
TV show named Jesus or Muhammad discusses Muhammad (Mohamed) and his encounter with Satan (Shaitan or Shaytan).
According to Islamic sources Muhammad wanted his tribe to join his new religion, Islam, so in a moment of weakness Muhammad bowed, prayed and worshiped the pagan mushrikeen daughters of Allah, the goddesses Al-lat, Uzza and Manat. Muhammad spoke the Satanic Verses saying that if people prayed to the three goddesses, who the pagans believed were intercessors to Allah, that Allah would hear their prayers. Muhammad put these Satanic Verses into the Quran and were part of the Star surah.
Later the Angel Jibril or Gabriel visited Muhammad and told him that he had wronged and was controlled by Satan and included the Satanic Verses into the Quran and told him to take them out, but not only did Satan control Muhammad's tongue, but also controlled his whole body that Muhammad did salat to the pagan goddesses and he committed shirk, the most unforgivable crime in Islam. So Muhammad did not practice tawheed, but did the worst type of shirk.
Later Muhammad was possessed by black magic from a Jewish magician who controlled Muhammad for over 6 months to a year.
How could this be if Muhammad was a prophet of God? So people who reverted or converted to Islam don't know this. Western men or women thinking of converting or reverting to Islam and become a Muslim should know about Islam before they do and the Satanic Verses is something they must know before reverting or converting to the false religion.
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