In the 71st edition of Monday Review, TOI’s weekly home update of print news from Chandigarh, Panchkula, and Mohali, look at a crime wave that has swept the Tricity since a nightmare at noon for a lone woman and two killings. Three armed men robbed a model-turned-actor of Rs 6.5 lakh after holding her hostage at her rented second-floor accommodation. They robbed her ATM account and subjected her to sexual harassment. She locked herself in a washroom, and that perhaps saved her life. Otherwise, two brothers out one night were wounded with swords and knives, one of them fatally, when they refused to hand over their money to the robbers at the Ram Darbar market. The victim was a teenager and youngest of three siblings, while the accused include two juveniles. The most gruesome crime was to follow. A retired Punjab Police head constable allegedly killed his wife by banging her head repeatedly on the floor at his house in Mohali’s Phase XI and sat next to the body for two hours until he was arrested. The ex-cop was under trial for attempted murder and his wife was to depose against him. A man of 21 died in Pinjore when he pressed the trigger by accident while holding a borrowed pistol for a selfie. A burglary every 8th day, theft every 2 days, and snatching every 10 days. Criminals never had it so good in Chandigarh. Police blame drug-addict teenagers and the joblessness induced by Covid lockdown for the spike. A yoga teacher turned to theft in a twist to home lessons he was giving to an elderly man for the last three years. The tnjwo killers of Youth Akali Dal leader Vicky Middukhera have been identified and they have a history of murders and extortions. For your TOI copy, call us at this number: 1800 121 0005. Please, like, share, and subscribe, and get vaccinated. Also, enjoy a photo feature on Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations.
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