Do you want to present cold and hot food flexibly in one unit according to the time of day?
The Switch display case is a combination of a heatable refrigerated well and light glass enclosure. It adapts the temperature to the desired offering, and stages products attractively even in neutral mode. Whether for service, self-service or grab-and-go, the possible uses during business hours leave almost nothing to be desired, especially if space is at a premium.
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Vienna Switch display case
IDEAL AKEIDEALAKELebensmittelfoodGastronomieGastrocateringEinzelhandelHandelretailerstoreTechnikTechnologietechnologyFrischefrischfreshfreshnessPräsentationpresentationLebensmittelpräsentationSwitch VitrineSwitchVitrinedisplay casewarmchaudkaltcoldfroidKälteWärmeSelbstbedienungSBgrab and gograb & gotake awayBedienungservice