At Male Contraceptive Initiative, we know that the terminology around reproductive biology and male contraception can be a little confusing. We created our animated film series "Nuts & Bolts" to help simplify the science!
In this episode, we provide a brief primer explaining Fertility Awareness, a way of preventing pregnancy through natural family planning. It is done by a woman monitoring and recording different fertility signs throughout her menstrual cycle to determine when she is most likely to get pregnant. She can prevent pregnancy by avoiding unprotected sex during her most fertile days through abstaining or implementing a barrier method.
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Nuts & Bolts: Fertility Awareness
asmrreproductionmale contraceptioncontraceptionsciencehealthsexual healthreproductive healthsexcouplesmale birth controlbirth controlmen's healthunintended pregnanciesunplanned pregnanciesMale Contraceptive Initiativereproductive autonomyanimationcartoonreproductive biologybiologymens rightsspermcondomsexualitygenderhormonesmy body my choicedrugsfertility awarenessstandard days methodcalendar rhythm methodsymptoms based method