This video is about how credit card culture has become toxic. Credit cards are a big deal these days. While scrolling on social media, I noticed an influx of people desiring more and more information on how to get approved for credit cards in order to receive bonus rewards points or cash back. While credit cards are a great financial tool that can be used to put money back in your pocket, not knowing credit cards well enough can have a counter effect.
#credit #creditcard #creditcards
My online course to assist you with improving your credit score:
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I have a book (Strategies to Master Credit) to assist you with improving your Credit Score:
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Yes, the book is on Amazon as well | Strategies to Master Credit:
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Also, be sure to check out the Water Your Soil community section for posts and polls regarding credit cards and credit:
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Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. Content on this channel is opinion based. Please use your own discretion when making decisions regarding your credit report, credit score, and credit cards.
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