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Habits That Make You Age Faster - Top 20 Habits to Stop Now
Nobody wants to look a decade older than they really are—here's how to prevent premature aging. As someone who looks a lot younger than I am, I cannot wait until the day comes that I won't have to flash my I.D. to get into a bar—but that doesn't mean I'm interested in my body aging any faster than it should.
So, if you're looking to look better, live longer, stay sharp, and feel full of energy, we've uncovered these mistakes you could be making that are signs you'll age faster than you should. Don't worry if you're guilty of one or two, it's easy to turn your health around. Just look at these Habits That Make You Age Faster - Top 20 Habits to Stop Now.
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Habits That Make You Age Faster - Top 20 Habits to Stop Now
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