Half-hour television show hosted and produced by Special Olympics Rhode Island athletes. Show airs monthly on OSN (Ch. 5 & Ch. 1005 on the Cox line-up) and on local PEG-RI channels throughout Rhode Island. The March edition of SORI Magazine featured an interview segment SORI Board member, Dr. Amity Rubeor, who provided healthy tips for our athletes to use during the Winter and Spring Sports Seasons. Additional segments featured Super Plungers, Bo Mathews and David Riccirelli, who shared information on the 2023 Super Plunge, Torch Run Plunge and Unified Champions School Plunge. In addition, athletes Christina Peacock, Gabrielle Giliotti and Drew Palumbo talked about their specific roles on the SORI Athlete Leadership Council. As part of our Athlete Leadership Training Series, we provided tips on Better Money Habits from Bank of America.
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