I walked the whole Bruce Trail, 900 km, from Niagara to Tobermory, and I created this video of photos set to music to mark the journey. The video shows what the Bruce Trail looks like through my eyes.
I'm hoping you find this beautiful and inspirational.
If you are looking for more information about the Bruce Trail, I have a video titled "5 Amazing Things about the Bruce Trail." It contains information about what the Bruce Trail is, what to expect, how to find out where to hike and park, and what work is being done by the Bruce Trail Conservancy. This video can be found here: [ Ссылка ]
I Walked the Bruce Trail
bruce trailphotosinspirationalhikinghikewalkwalkingniagaratobermoryphoto essayend to endend-to-endontariotorontoiroquoiacaledon hillscaledondufferindufferin hilandsdufferin highlandsblue mountainsbeaver valleysydenhampeninsulabruce peninsulakelsodundashamiltonmonoowen soundlion's headwiartongeorgian baylake ontario