Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer joins Maria Hall-Brown for a discussion about how his office is dealing with a surge of in-home crimes during the Safer at Home orders.
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Mike Feuer discusses his Behind Closed Doors initiative to ensure that cases of at-home abuse, such as domestic violence and child abuse, are reported during the Safer at Home orders.
Feuer also speaks about gun violence and the importance of gun violence prevention, both at home and in the mass-shooting arena.
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LA Currents: COVID-19 In-Home Crimes (10m)
Safer at HomeLA CityView35LA CityViewLA 35LA CurrentsLos AngelesCity of Los AnglesLAChannel 35 COVID-19COVIDcoronaviruspandemicCOVID-19 pandemiccrisisdomestic abusedomestic violenceBehind Closed Doorschild abusegrocery storegun violencegun cabinentmass shootingmass shootingsgun violence preventiondomestic abuse preventionchild abuse prevention