When you start a fight with the USMC you better be prepared to finish it. ***detailed list of mods used in this video in the end credits***
I have worked on this video off and on for almost a year. I had a busy year so I had to mothball the vid a couple of times...did not have time to work on it(family first), but here it is....finally.
Bring The Rain | an Arma 3 Fan Film | -
armaaamir khanaction gamearma gameplayarma walkthroughbring the rainfirst-person shooterflight simulatorgamevid4let's play armashooter gamesimulation video gamestrategy video gamevehicular combat gamefan filmusmcvidrainfightcoupletimestimevideo gamefilmrajkumar hiranimedia genremultiplayer video gamesingle-player video gametactical shootervideo game seriesARMA 3 (Video Game)ARMA (Video Game Series)MarinesArma 2