#dota2 #dota2replays #highlights #itsumi
95% from this content are my clips. Sometimes i post cool or interesting pro's moments.
My main ~ 6000 mmr
My alt - 4500 mmr (This acc has 600 games and it's in "boost system". Every game i play vs smurfs/boosters etc. I have ~50% wr on this acc, so i don't think i'm ruining games to others. I use this acc ONLY to play with my ancient friends cuz I can't play with them on my main, hope i will able to in future)
Very seldom you can see games from boosting (0-5k random accounts). I hate my job as a booster but sometimes i need fast money really hard and can boost for 2-3 days 24/7. I don't like it either but I am who I am.
Tinker is perfectly balanced hero | Dota
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