Looking for a great transport vessel? Here Is one of Armstrongs lander Beaching crafts. With quad Yamaha 300's, plenty of deck space and accommodations for passengers. This vessel is capable of transporting 24 personnel and equipment.
On November 18, 2020 Armstrong Marine USA officially rebranded to BRIX Marine.
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Catamaranmonohullarmstrongarmstrong marinefastfast catmarineyamaha350250150hondaboatfast boatcustomcustom boataluminumarmstrong consolidatedmunsonpackcatbow doorbow landeraluminum cataluminum customSurveyOceanic Surveydeep sea surveydeep seasearch and rescuemilitaryArmy corp of engineersUS armyUS militaryduck wortharmstrong marine USATransportboat transportferry transportmoving peoplehigh speedHDROutright