High speed data transactions have always been one of the priorities at National Laboratories and research facilities, and operating high-performance networking environments safely continues to be an active topic of discussion. High speed networks play a significant role in conducting cutting edge research without any significant delays, and security implementations to protect the network are often viewed as playing the same role as resistors in an electric circuit, to hinder the flow of data (current). It is a very common use-case for a researcher at a National Lab or any other research environment to be able to efficiently access data and collaborate with peers for performing research without being impeded by the security of the network and data. This presentation will talk about some best practices in securing a Science DMZ and thinking of Science DMZ as a security architecture, providing useful and practically implementable security controls without impacting the high-speed flows through the network. The talk will focus on disentangling security policies and enforcement for science flows from traditional security approaches for business systems and using the Science DMZ model to defend high-performance science flows.
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