Commercials that aired during a broadcast of the most commercially successful film released in 1985, the classic BACK TO THE FUTURE, an eventual trilogy starter which starred Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson. And a DeLorean!
San Diego's first independent, UHF, television station was KAAR, which took to the air on November 14, 1965. Some time later, KAAR was acquired by a Texas firm, Western Telecasters, Inc., who renamed it to KCST. Western Telecasters then spent four years trying to deprive XETV, channel 6 in nearby Tijuana, Mexico, of its ABC affiliation. KCST won this battle in 1972, and by the time it became the new ABC station in San Diego (June 1973), channel 39 had been acquired by the Storer Broadcasting Company.
ABC's relationship with Storer soured shortly after channel 39's victory, and the Alphabet Network subsequently relocated to KGTV, channel 10, a move that made channel 39 the NBC station it is today. And ever since cable hit big in the 1980s, KCST has been happy to point out that it's available on cable over channel 7.
In 1985, the Storer stations underwent many changes in ownership, and KCST was no exception, even with a 1986 callsign change to the present KNSD. For example, when the tape these ads came from was recorded, KNSD was owned by Gillett Communications. In 1996, the series of ownership changes came to an end once and for all as channel 39 in San Diego officially became an NBC owned and operated station. From 1997 to 2013 however, NBC shared the station with LIN TV (which owned a 24% stake).
Ads, outside of network promos, are listed by product type, then by product name.
[break one] [follows scene of family watching a rerun of THE HONEYMOONERS at family dinner]
Bumper: NBC Sunday Night At The Movies
Automobile: Cadillac
Theatrical film: HIGH SPIRITS
Appliance: Norelco Coffee
Clothing: Levi's 501
Toy: Zero Gravity Cliff Hangers (Tyco)
Restaurant: Wendy's
[break two] [follows Dr. Emmett Brown telling Marty McFly to get a radiation suit. Yeah. I have no clue why NBC thought it would be a good idea to run an ad break there.]
Theatrical film: THE LAND BEFORE TIME
Restaurant: KFC
Cereal: Kellogg's Crispix
Car: Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme (Melanie Shatner, son of William, is best known for her role in the SUBSPECIES films. William even appears with her here.)
Bumper: NBC Sunday Night At The Movies (announcer: Danny Dark)
NBC promo: ALF-THE HOGAN FAMILY (in the late 2000s, Wikipedia people threw quite the fit about Lionsgate's DVDs of ALF.)
KNSD promo: News San Diego at 11:00
Car: Toyota V6 4X4 XR5
Supermarket: Vons
Restaurant: Allie's (two separate ads for it running at the same time!)
Station ID: KNSD
Bumper: NBC Sunday Night At The Movies (announcer: Danny Dark)
[break three] [follows a scene of Marty being knocked unconcious by a car]
Bumper: NBC Sunday Night At The Movies
Gum: Wrigley's Doublemint
Theatrical film: FRESH HORSES (screenwriter Larry Ketron wrote the play on which this movie was based)
Toy: Playskool Pipeworks
Diapers: Luvs Deluxe
Restaurant: McDonald's Holiday Huggables (MUPPET BABIES was recently revived, on Disney Junior.)
NBC promos:
[break four] [follows a scene in which 1955 Emmett Brown discovers that 1985 Marty's brothers are rapidly disappearing]
Camera: Fuji Super HR Film
Medicine: Alka Seltzer Plus
Automobile: Nissan Pathfinder
Pantyliners: Carefree
Telephone service: MCI
Theatrical film: SCROOGED (or SCREWED, if you're YouTube's Automatic Captions)
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