Today’s video is us at the off grid property future off grid Farm as we keep getting snowstorms. It will be getting harder to get to the off grid property as we are the ones maintaining the road to get to the property. It is a township road but the deal is until we move there. We are responsible to maintain it Which we are completely fine with it, but with that being said, we have to be able to get out there and plough it and again the 353 Detroit engine 230 Timberjack skitter to the rescue. It did the job again. We will be able to make it out one more time as long as, the snowstorms are not too big to handle. It is a fun journey and yes, one day we will be out there full-time. We are hoping in the next year or two or sooner if we can make it possible we appreciate you following us on this wonderful journey it’s a crazy journey, but it’s our journey. Thank you all for your support.
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353 Detroit diesel, 230 Timberjack to the rescue again
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