The story of one of the rare primates of the world, Lion Tailed Macaque from the rain forests of western ghats, India. The teaser of an upcoming wildlife documentary on the Lion Tailed Macaques.
Film by :
Poorna Kedar
Nagarjuna Moharla, Rams Raja
Produced by:
Pixellin Photography & Travel
#wildlifePhotography #photography #wildlifeSafari #lionTailedMacaque #westernGhats #wildlifeDocumentary #wildlifeFimmaking
[Teaser] The Kingdom of Lion Tailed Macaque
Nikon D850documentarydocumentary teaserdocumentary trailerfilmforestindiaindian forestindian wildlifejunglelion tailed macaqueltmmacaquenaturenature documentarynikonnikon movieofficial teaserofficial trailerpixellinprimate movieprimatesrain forestrare primatesshort movieteasertrailervalparaiwestern ghatswestern ghats documentary.wildwildlifewildlife documentarywildlife filmwildlife moviewildlife teaserwildlife trailer