#theeuropeanbison #europeanbison #europeanbisonthelegend #rewildingbriatin #rewildingeurope #rewilding #rewildingmegaherbivore
#returnoftheeuropeanbison #southerncarpathiansrewilding
The European bison is a living legend - bison facts and rewilding europe
The European bison is the largest terrestrial mammals in Europe; the weight of adult males ranges from 530–840 kg in the wild. Females are generally smaller.
The European bison once roamed across europe, but disappeared from the wild in the twentieth century.
A group of conservationists then decided to save the species from extinction. So, ongoing conservation efforts mean the European bison recently moved from Vulnerable to Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Today, thanks to various reintroduction programmes, there are around 8500 European bison, of which about 6200 live free in the wild.
The average group size is 20 individuals and usually lead by a dominant female. These groups split by mid spring as adult bulls become solitary or form small groups. They then join the herd between August and October - the rutting season. They become sexually active at the age of three. The gestation period is eight to nine months and most calves are born in May or June. Calves weigh 25 to 30 kg and will suckle for approximately one year.
The European bison consumes both grasses and more fibrous food. Bisons consume more than 200 different plant species, and also bark and branches. Bison avoid areas with overly wet conditions, lack of water, steep slopes, unfavourable grazing/browsing conditions, extended periods of snow and deep snow. They prefer to reside in deciduous or mixed forests.
In 2010, for the first time in centrl europe, several ancient cave paintings were discovered in Romania’s Coliboaia Cave - the cave is about 200 killometers from the southern carpathians rewilding area. Thet are said to date back between 23,000 and 35,000 years. Amazing.
These “black paintings”, illustarte different animals, including two wolly rhinoceroses, two bear heads, a feline, a horse and a bison.
The Bison plays a legendary role in many stories, they inspired people in many ways, to undertake acts of bravery for example. People have always been attracted by the greatness of bison and the richness of nature that follows them.
The presence of a stable population of bison contributes to the maintenance of a mosaic structure in the ecosystem. They help to maintain a half-wooded, half-open landscape. They graze excess vegetation from forest openings and meadows. This increases the vegetation, so a range of habitats are created for invertebrates, birds and small mammals. So Protecting the bison indirectly protects many other species. So, bison conservation, therefore, has wide-ranging ecological benefits for the entire environment.
Mega herbavores are of vital importance to biodiversity, and the bison is no exception. This along with its impressive appearance, makes the European bison an iconic species for nature conservation. The bison should be thriving across all of europe again, not just in stories from the past. Human-bison coexistence should be developed and we should cherish this animal and write stories about them now.
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The Wonderful Paleo Art of Heinrich Harder
Heinrich Harder (1858-1935)
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Coliboaia cave
Tommy from Arad
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