Topic - Digital Signal Processing/Signal and System (for GATE) -
DIT FFT Algorithm
This lecture helps students to understand the
1. Types of FFT i.e. DIT(Decimation in time) and DIF(Decimation in frequency)
2. Discussion on 1point FFT,2 Point FFT,4 point FFT and 8 points
3. 2 Points FFT example with butterfly method.
After watching this lecture, students can solve questions of GATE related to this topic.
Types of FFT | Decimation in Time | Decimation in Frequency |
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in DTSPDiscrete Time Signals ProcessingFast Fourier TransformFFTdiscrete Fourier transformDFT matrixfast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm computesdefine fast fourier transformexamples on fast fourier transformsolved problems on on fast fourier transformFastFourier Transform Lectureडीटीएसपी में फास्ट फूरियर ट्रांसफॉर्म (एफएफटी)تحويل فورييه السريع (FFT) في DTSPمعالجة إشارات الوقت المنفصلةekeedaelicitelicitelearning