Exactly what it says on the tin. I picked this air track drill up at auction for $55.00 (before about $9 in fees and taxes) from the Navajo Nation's construction and engineering department. It's in pretty average condition for an air track drill in the area (see the two others in the background of the video), only it still has its drifter/hammer. I didn't explain the importance of the reversible drifter in the video very well. It allows the driller to reverse rotation and unscrew the threaded drill rod, then insert another rod to drill much deeper than is possible with a single steel. The longest air track longhole I know of was over two hundred feet (if I remember correctly), to assess hydrological conditions at a gold mine. The feed chain on this drill needs to be repaired or replaced, along with the fluids/filters/hoses/tuneup routine that is typical for any used piece of equipment that has sat idle for a while.
Yes, the second Joy electric compressor in the background was used at the Ash Peak. It was shipped down to Tucson when the mine closed, then snapped up at auction by an associate (who happened to have worked at the Ash Peak). Mining equipment is a small world.
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