Red Bee Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis) is also called the Crystal Red Shrimp. It is marvelous shrimp that has red and white stripes on the entire body. It is one of the most popular Caridina shrimps in the hobby and have a lot of variants.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.0-6.5
TDS: 50-150 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 3 cm
Usual size on trade: 2 cm
Characteristic: The Red Bee shrimps is a great addition for planted tank. Its stunning color will make it stand out in any decoration. It needs water with steady parameters and water change only when needed. It tends to stay healthy in soft water with slightly acidic pH.
Diet: shrimp pellets will do just fine since it is scavenger naturally
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