Today I talk about the basic history of witchcraft. From the first ever recorded date that I have read up on to the end, we will go into the major incidents that happened in history and dive deep into the evil and dark past of when witchcraft was looked at as something to be feared.
I want all of you to know that I have been researching a lot of this stuff on witches for awhile and do employ you to please research more after this video too to gain more knowledge on the witch subject matter. Witchcraft has and always will be a beautiful subject to learn about so be sure to put forth the effort if you plan on pursuing further into witchcraft, Wicca, paganism, etc.
Thank you all so much for watching this video, down below are some videos to help you learn even more than just the basics I have given you!
Witchcraft History Further Research:
PART 1: [ Ссылка ]
PART 2: [ Ссылка ]
BASIC HISTORY OF WITCHCRAFTwitchcraftwitchwitcheshistorypaganismwiccawiccanbaby witchpagannew agemodern ageold agedark pastspiritual growthwitchcraft beginnerswitchcraft for beginnerswitch tipswitchy tipstips for beginner witchhistory of witchcraftwitchcraft historywitch historyhistory witchcrafthistory of witchessalem witch trials