Renowned fashion designer Thebe Magugu has launched his third installation of the heritage capsule, inspired by the cultural practice of lobola. Magugu's star has been on a gradual rise since he won the LVMH Young Fashion Designer Prize in 2019. Since then, his garments have graced fashion weeks across the globe and worn by influential people such as former US first lady Michelle Obama, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus and Michaela Cole, to name a few. For this collection Magugu features iconinc South Africans, such as Dr John Kani, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, Ama Qamata, Thapelo Mokoena and Anele Mdoda, amongst others.
He speaks to Newzroom Afrika's Naledi Moleo about this capsule and the inspiration behind it.
Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.
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