This video is the eleventh episode in our full Let's Play of Digimon World: Next Order. The playthrough will be recorded in its entirety on the Playstation 4 via the Elgato HD60.
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As a heads up for anyone that is interested, this walkthrough will be played on Normal mode/difficulty and is not a blind playthrough.
Similarly to it's predecessor, Digimon World 1, Digimon World Next Order is set exclusively in the digital world. Although the two games are different in a lot of ways, it is clear that Next Order takes a lot of inspiration from the first installment in the franchise. In Next Order, we play as either Takuto or Shiki, the main protagonist who's job it is to roam the plains of Next Order and recruit Digimon back to the city of Floatia. With the help of Jijimon, Taomon and a multitude of other characters we have to overcome the challenges that await us and save the Digital World once again.
Digimon World Next Order acts as a sort of pet simulator RPG and, although it's admittedly more complex than this, the main aim is to strengthen our party up and beat the other enemy Digimon that roam the game. In most cases, once beaten or helped, the Digimon will then become allied with the player and offer him/her new abilities or services back in the city. As you delve further into the deeper areas of the map, the Digimon get stronger driving the player to naturally become stronger as well. By winning battles, training up, recruiting Digimon and building up our own skill points, we should eventually be able to become powerful enough to defeat the main antagonists and thus beat the game.
It's been over a year since Next Order's release back in January 2017 and I thought that it was high time that we did a LP of this bad boy here on youtube. So why now? Why are we finally making a let's play if Next Order has been out for over a year? Up until this point, we have finished playthroughs of Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory and Digimon World 1 but we've never actually did one of Next Order. Despite this and the guides, I still get asked, almost every week, if I will ever do a walkthrough of NO. As mentioned in the above video, when I made the tutorials, I wanted to do a playthrough of NO then. However, because of the effort I had already committed to recording and editing the guides, I was pretty much becoming a bit burnt out of NO. The plus point is that I haven't touched NO since and, as a result, I am now feeling refreshed and looking forward to dive back in.
The series is not without flaws and I'll be the first to point it out. You guys should be aware that I'm very rusty in the beginning and it takes me about 10 episodes to really warm back into the swing of the game. In addition, I can't help but notice that there are also a few production issues early on. It takes me a while to find my comfortable audio settings again and so there maybe episodes where the audio is a bit rubbish at times. Sometimes I can be too loud and other times the microphone picks up some annoying background noise, usually distant tapping or me bouncing the controller off my leg. I'm really sorry about this but, as with my ability to play the game, I try my best to iron out these mistakes and improve the overall quality as I go. Know that I always try to make the best series I possibly can for you guys.
Anyways, thank you for all your support and feedback on my other Digimon content. You guys are super awesome and I really appreciated it. A very warm welcome to any new subscribers who have stumbled across this LP! Make sure you hit me up in the comments and say hello. If you want to help support the series and channel, feel free to shoot us a thumbs up. I love hearing from you fine folks so hit me up.
Jack, aka MrWolfy
Opening Song: raising the bar, by Envoi
#digimonworldnextorder #digimon
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