Minister Botsa Satyanarayana said that the traffic problem in Vijayawada Madhuranagar was brought to the attention of the CM. He said the CM had ordered the construction of the underbridge to be undertaken immediately. It was revealed that traffic difficulties are going to be solved with the construction of this bridge. The bridge will be constructed with Rs 17 crore government funds and Rs 10 crore railway funds and the construction of the bridge will be completed in 6 months. Minister Botsa Satyanarayana said that the remarks made by Minister Kodali Nani on the issue of Amaravati Legislative Capital should not be distorted..
Kodali Nani's intention is to have the capital as an area for all communities, said Botsa. Botsa explained that it was not right to deny house titles to the poor in the capital. Nani was of the opinion that not to deny the houses for the poor at the capital. Botsa opined that the government had never said it would remove the legislative capital from Amaravati. Earlier, minister Kodali Nani is said to have made remarks that he had told Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy to remove Amaravati as the legislative capital to which farmers have expressed shock and fumed at the government.
Minister Botsa said that some people were deliberately obstructing the distribution of house site pattas as the government had made all arrangements for the distribution of house pattas across the state. On the other hand, MLA Malladi Vishnu said that the CM was committed to the development of Vijayawada. Construction of this road underbridge will be completed soon. Jagan Mohan Reddy is not a talkative chief minister like in the previous government. "Certainly Vijayawada will be further developed in the coming days," Botsa opined.
#KodaliNani #AP3Capitals #Amaravati
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