This is video #008 in my playthrough of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. This video contains commentary. To view the non-commentary version, click here: [ Ссылка ]
In her circuit of Luxerion to carry out quests and collect treasures, Lightning now heads north up the eastern side of the city. She starts in the Pilgrim's Causeway. Gorgonopsids are fairly common in this area. They are weak to Fire. When they use War Cry, look out for Megabite. Successfully guarding against Megabite can stagger them.
There is another Chaos Infusion in this area (time 1:30). Light gets a very useful Poison Lv. 1 ability from a Gorgonopsid here. Pray that you don't encounter a Meonekton.
At the northern end of the Pilgrim's Causeway, Light arrives in the Old Theater. At the northeast end, right after entering the Rusted Gate, Light can jump onto a ledge with a treasure ball containing a Runic Ring (time 7:43). This ring helps protect against magic damage.
In the Marketplace on the ground level, Light can enter an unoccupied market stall to find a treasure ball with Sparkstrike Lv. 2 (time 7:59). This ability deals lightning-elemental physical damage.
Along the northeast side of the Marketplace, Lightning can find the Green Carbuncle Doll for "The Things She's Lost" quest (time 8:42).
Lightning next goes east and north through the Rusted Gate into the Warren. The difference is quite pronounced when passing through the gate. Along the wall on the other side of the grate, Light can find a treasure ball with Thundara Lv. 2 (time 9:49). I would equip this right away.
The Mangled Hill and the Wall of Wealth are just beyond the Rusted Gate. Here, Lightning can encounter Gertrudes, which are robot sentries. Obviously, they are weak to lightning-elemental damage.
There is an Adventuring Essentials shop in the Wall of Joy area (time 14:23). They sell notes for Cathedral Sentry, Gaunt, Dreadnought, and Zomok.
A Resident in this area has some information about the graveyard (time 16:24).
After defeating a pair of Gremlins, Lightning gets an Aero ability (time 16:43).
She then obtains a Light Slash Lv. 1 from a Gremlin and a Niblet (time 17:20).
It took me a little while to find him, but in the Wall of Joy area, Lightning can find the next point of contact for the "Stuck in a Gem" quest, Rubrio (time 18:25). He's lying on the ground under an awning with a green neon sign. To make the Starlit Spice, ne needs two Niblet Hairballs. Niblets aren't hard to find.
After handing over the Niblet Hairballs, Lightning receives the Starlit Spice. Unfortunately, the Starlit Spice draws cats like crazy.
After getting this, Light makes her way to the Marketplace. During a battle with a Gertrude, the player earns the Seeing Stars trophy for staggering enemies 50 times (time 22:05).
Then, Light gets a Thunder Lv. 1 from a Niblet and a Gremlin (time 23:58).
In the eastern part of the Marketplace, she finds Ronan, the recipient for the Starlit Spice (time 28:14). To get to him, she must evade the cats that are surrounding him. Not too hard. Fortunately, you can save the game before approaching him. That way, if the cats get the spice, you can just reload instead of having to go all the way back to get more Starlit Spice from Rubrio. After Rubrio is back to himself, Lightning acquires 1,600 gil and a nice boost to max MP and Magic. Another soul saved!
Thanks for watching!
This video is part of my Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Playthrough playlist. I am playing on the PlayStation 3. All characters, story, music, artwork, and other components of this game are the property of their respective owners.
Played on PlayStation 3. Recorded with the WinTV-HVR 950Q tuner and the WinTV 7 recording software. Produced with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.
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