In this video Norman Török & Ismet Himmet are showcasing different cutting methods and the different techniques used with the CHINESE JIAN (STRAIGHT SWORD) and 3 different OTTOMAN/TURKISH SABERS (YALMANLI, KIRMANI & YATAGAN).
Main Principles however are the CHINESE JIAN Cutting Principles as applied in Wudang Sword Methods.
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QUALITIES OF CUTTING - Chinese Jian & Ottoman Sabers
wushukungfumartial artsnorth star weaponrynorth starwudangkung fugong fuwudang swordseven star swordismet himmetnorman törökwdpwudang principlesberlin kungfuchinese wushuhemaeuropean fencingfencingsword fightarnis stick fightingescrima stick fight武当剑武当玄武棍武术棍术武术 剑术Sword cuttingsword cutting testchinese sword cuttingtatami cuttingturkish sabreottoman sabre test cuttingturkish sabre test cutting