This animation was developed as a resource for adolescents who stutter. It's based on the P&A model and explores some of the possible causes of stuttering. Enjoy! © Copyright Lorna Betts, 2015.
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Mcallister, J. Collier, J. & Shepstone, L. (2013) The Impact of Adolescent Stuttering and Other Speech Problems on Psychological Well-Being in Adulthood: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 2013, Vol.48(4), p.458-468
Onslow, M. (2015) Stuttering and its Treatment: Eleven Lectures. Retrieved from [ Ссылка ]
Packman, A. (2012) Theory and Therapy in Stuttering: A Complex Relationship. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 37(4):225-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jfludis.2012.05.004
Skinner, H., Biscope, S., Poland, B. & Goldberg, B. (2003) How Adolescents Use Technology for Health Information: Implications for Health Professionals from Focus Group Studies. Journal of Medical Internet Resources. 5(4): e32. doi: 10.2196/jmir.5.4.e32
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Music: "Carefree" copyright free from [ Ссылка ]
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