The adrenal gland consists of an outer cortex and inner medulla, surrounded by a connective tissue capsule with branches of adrenal blood vessels and nerves. Fenestrated sinusoidal cappilaries and large blood vessels are found throughout the cortex and medulla. The adrenal cortex is subdivided into three concentric zones:
1. zona glomerulosa - the cells are arranged into ovoid groups or clumps are surrounded by sinusoidal capillaries.
2. zona fasciculata - the widest cell layer with the cells arranged in vertical columns or radial plates; these cells are light because have hight content of lipid in their cytoplasm. Sinusoidals capillaries between the cell columns follow a similar vertical course.
3. zona reticularis - the cells form anastomosing cords surrounded by sinusoidal capillaries.
The medulla contains secretory cells called chromafin cells, big blood veins and neurons.
Stained: hematoxylin-eosin
Author: Mgr. Tereza Blassová, Ph.D.
Scaning of the specimen: Mgr. Yaroslav Kolinko, Ph.D.
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