You have a new domain and now you want to set up your nameservers on GoDaddy.
This may sound Extremely Technical... But it's Super Easy...
First step Log into your Godaddy Account.
Enter your username and then your password
Scroll down to where it says DOMAINS and click on MANAGE.
If you have more than one domain, scroll down to the domain you want to manage and click on it
Now you want to look for NAMESERVERS down the left-hand side and then the word manage - click on MANAGE
You will see a box pop up for NAMESERVER SETTINGS you will want to select CUSTOM by checking the circle
here you will see two blanks - you will need to enter the information provided by YOUR hosting company
fill in both boxes and click ADD NAMESERVER then click OK
When that box goes away, click on SAVE.
YOU'RE DONE - remember it may take awhile for your changes to take effect.
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