Shotguns are the most powerful weapons in the battle royale mode of cod mobile. And they are also very challenging to use as well. Aiming with a shot gun is really hard in cod mobile. Although shotguns are extremely powerful and can deal a huge amount of damage, learning how to properly use a shotgun can give you a massive advantage in cod mobile battle royale. There are many aspects of learning how to use shotguns in codm battle royale, and some require lots of practice to learn. In this video I went over the three most important aspects of using a shotgun in cod mobile battle royale: the settings, tips & tricks and training exercises. If you can implement these three aspects into your gameplay, you'll be able to master shotguns in cod mobile battle royale in no time! So sit back relax and enjoy the video as I show you how to master shotguns in call of duty mobile battle royale!
🕒 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Settings
1:51 Tips & Tricks
3:21 Training & Practice
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10 Ways To IMPROVE Shotgun Aim In Battle Royale! (Shotgun Tips)
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