In this video I demonstrate how to prepare ethyl acetate through the Fischer esterification reaction of ethanol and acetic acid. If you enjoyed this video, check out some of my others and drop a like and subscribe for more!
Some activities demonstrated in this video may be dangerous to replicate and should NOT be attempted by individuals at home. While chemistry is very enjoyable, safety must always be number one concern and doing research is very important before trying the reactions themselves. This video is solely intended for educational purposes and should not be replicated in any way shape or form at home.
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Making Ethyl Acetate - Fischer Esterification
how to make ethyl acetateacetoneacetatesodium acetateethanolesterfischer esterificationfischer esterification reactionhow to do fischer esterificationhow to prepare ethyl acetateethyl acetatethe canadian chemistpianoscience guychemistryhousehold materialsmake ethyl acetate fischer esterificaitonhow to make ethyl acetate household materialsethyl acetate household materials