After hundreds of trips to various Goodwills with no results in finding a metal Lakewood box fan, a few weeks ago one finally surfaced. It was a Kmart branded model, in absolutely flawless condition for only $12. Sadly, it was in someone else's cart.
For whatever reason, these fans simply do not exist in this part of the country. You cannot just find one by going to a thrift store. I knew I would probably have to resort to getting one shipped in if I wanted one. Several days later, I wasn't getting over it so I decided this was the time to have one shipped in.
I looked on the EBAY, and even there they were quite scarce. There were a few available, all for obscene prices. This was the cheapest one available by a significant amount. It happened to be identical to the one I saw at the Goodwill. Unfortunately it's high hours and in pretty abysmal condition, especially compared to the other one. It will probably never be a showpiece, but with a proper cleaning and servicing it should make for a good daily runner.
The model number is still to be determined as all the information tags were too dirty to read at the time of this taping.
Million Dollar Junky Metal Lakewood Box Fan
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