This is an audio recording of the Social Work Services Committee Meeting for Dumfries and Galloway Council from 12 December 2013.
List of agenda items and times:
1. 10.33am: Sederunt and apologies
2. 10.33am: Declarations of interest
3. 10.34am: Review of high cost care packages
4. 11.08am: Social work service - budget monitoring report 2013/14 for the period ended 31 October 2013
5. 11.18am: Social work services - a sustainable management structure
6. 11.24am: Interim chief social work officer's six monthly assessment of business plan performance
7. 11.43am: The way forward update
8. 12.12pm: Supporting older people in their communities - voluntary day centres
9. 12.45pm: Appointments to outside bodies
10. 12.47pm: Any other business which the chairman may decide is urgent due to the need for a decision
11. 12.47pm: Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973
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